Saturday, February 21, 2015

Get Some Guts

Employers, managers, superintendents and other so called supervisors; do your job! All I wanted to do was come into your store and buy a soda after filling my gas tank. As I wait in line, the line builds behind me, from other customers waiting to pay for gas or buy items, as your clerk chats on their phone while slowly using their other hand to scan items. While this is going on, several customers place their products back on a shelf and walk out of your store, very soon, I follow their lead and walk out as well. My second adventure of the day was walking into a real estate office to get a key for a project I was going to bid on, for repairs. The front desk person was entranced with their phone, texting someone, as I waited for them to look up. When they finally noticed I was standing directly in front of them, they offered a friendly smile and asked if they could help me. I asked for the key to the project, they got up from their desk to retrieve it. When they finally returned with the key, they had the phone stuck to their ear in an in-depth conversation. They sat down and moved in slow motion to get a receipt book, for me to sign for the key. They paused their conversation, only to ask for my business card, and continued on with their conversation as I walked out the door with the key.  My next stop was a supply house to pick up products to deliver to a working project. As I paid for the load of lumber, the clerk asked; do you need help loading your truck? I welcomed the help, the clerk called over the PA system for a loader, as I wheeled my cart of lumber out the door towards my truck. I started loading the lumber into the back of my truck, looked around for the assistance I was asked if I needed; nobody was walking in my direction. I continued loading my truck, as I was about to load the last three pieces of lumber into the back of my truck, a young man was walking towards me with his phone in his hand texting or playing video games, not sure which, put his phone in his pocket just before he got within ten feet of me; need some help he asked? I looked down at the last piece of lumber on the cart and then back to him; I believe I can take it from here. He shrugged his shoulders, reached into his pocket, retrieved his phone and walked back towards the building.
I have really had enough of today’s technology and the addiction which goes along with it. I’ve also had enough of the gutless supervisors, who watch this going on around them, who say nothing to the employees about their personal business on company time. We hear the complaints of low wages for these service related positions, given their lack of focus on the purpose of their employment, they are being paid entirely too much as well as their direct supervisor. If you have an addiction to technology; seek counseling. If you are in a position of authority and have difficulty supervising those who you were hired to oversee; get some guts!

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