Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Noose

One of my favorite books of all times is “Watership Down” by Richard Adams. The simple overview is how the world appears through the eyes of rabbits, but it goes far beyond that.  In the beginning, a character has a premonition of the destruction of their colony.  When he tells his friend of the premonition, they decide to take the information to the leader, who discredits their ideas.  The characters so believed in the premonition, they told several other of their friends and decided to leave their colony before disaster befell upon them.  In their travels, they come upon a colony of rabbits who were larger, healthier with shiny fur.  Their colony was well protected among blackberry and raspberry brambles within a large pile of brush, giving them protection from predators and the weather.  The characters didn’t understand why these rabbits were so much larger and healthier until they asked.  The rabbits explained a human created their habitat for them and often left them piles of food, more than enough for the members of the colony and invited the characters to join the colony.  As the days went by, the characters shared the wealth of the gifts the human had left for them. They felt they had found their new home but another premonition befell upon them that brought them to be concerned of their new home.  The premonition brought more fear to all the initial characters than before as they watched their friend appear to be choking to death.  The character awoke from his dream and told his followers, they were not safe here and must leave.  Several of the characters were in disbelief until the premonition come to pass.  One afternoon while the group were heading to eat from the pile of food the human had left for them, reality set in.  One of the characters had slipped into a wire noose and as they struggled with the noose, it tightened and choked the character.
I don’t want to ruin the story for you, you’ll just have to find the book to find out what happens, but the point being made is what appears to be happening within our human country right now.  The healthy colony of rabbits knew of the danger of their colony but were willing to accept the sacrifice of a false security.  They were willing to accept the gifts from their host but what they thought were gifts was nothing more than scraps.  Many within our society are just like the rabbits living among brambles in what they believe is security and are willing to accept the scraps for what they assume is their security.  As our government draws many to a false security, it prepares a noose to choke our society into serfdom. Do not allow yourself to be drawn into a false sense of security by the gifts of government.  Remember, the security for the rabbits was a brush pile in a blackberry and raspberry bramble and scraps for the many.

 So, are you prepared for the noose?